Creation Care
At Aldersgate UMC, caring for God’s creation is very important to us. We strive to learn about and promote ways for our church and community to become better caretakers by becoming more environmentally sustainable.
- Aldersgate uses reusable dishes and utensils at all official church functions.
- We promote recycling, and as a church, recycle paper, plastic, cans, and glass, and maintain a church compost pile for recycling of vegetable waste.
- Aldersgate hosts the Ambrose Community Garden on our property.
- A vegetarian option is provided at all church-sponsored meals.
- An energy assessment was done on our building, and we've worked to implement the improvements suggested.
- All our Exit signs use LED bulbs, and we are installing more efficient light fixtures as funds are available.
- Two rain barrels collect rainwater from the church shed. The water is used to irrigate the church butterfly garden.
Using our sustainability plan as a guide, we continuously strive to learn more about sustainability and offer occasional educational opportunities.
Here are some helpful links for learning more about how to live in an environmentally sustainable way: